This is just the tip of the iceberg
The database is currently documenting hate crimes against Hindus that have occurred since 1st January 2023 only.
The hate crime database is not exhaustive. It is our constant endeavour to not leave any hate crime undocumented.
Make sense of these numbers and graphs. Delve into the database of hate crimes we are maintaining
Read the guide to know how to explore the database.
What is Hinduphobia?
Hinduphobia is any action and/or speech, written or spoken (academic, institutional, political and/or random), violence and/or discriminatory action/attitude, which is born out of hatred, fear, prejudice, animosity, hostility and/or bias against Hindus (people following Sanatan Dharma and/or various sampradayas of Hindus and/or various panths under the Dharmic fold), as individuals, groups of a class of people, the faith they profess (Hinduism), their cultures, traditions, forms and methods of worship, scriptures, tenets and civilizational values and beliefs. Hinduphobia can be directed towards individuals and/or their property, toward the Hindu community as a whole, Hindu institutions, Hindu religious facilities (including temples and temporary religious structures), symbols of the Hindu faith, the native and civilizational land of Hindus conceived as a Hindu collectivity owing to religious prejudice, animosity, hostility and hatred.
Categories of Hate Crimes and victims recorded
Categories of Hinduphobia
Hinduphobia Tracker has not only focused on documenting hate crimes against Hindus, but has also identified 8 categories and 76 sub-categories under which hate crimes are classified. These primary and secondary categories have been meticulously defined, to outline the contours of the ongoing persecution of Hindus. The definitions for each primary category draw on international conventions and precedents to delineate strict parameters within which, crimes would be categorized as religiously motivated hate crimes.

Hinduphobia Tracker is a project by Gavishti Foundation, a not-for-profit initiative to empower communities through data-driven research and advocacy. Through its flagship project, Hinduphobia Tracker, Gavishti Foundation aims to document, define and research the historical and ongoing persecution of Hindus.
The main ethical consideration in researching hate crimes is the risk of broad-brushing every crime as being motivated by ethnicity, merely because the identities of the perpetrator and the victim fit in an oppressor-oppressed narrative. Many India-based ‘hate trackers’ have faltered on this front when dealing with hate crimes against non-Hindu communities, and ended up demonising Hindus. Hinduphobia Tracker has taken special care to ensure that every recorded incident in the database has an objective, tangible and demonstrable components of religious hate. These components have been meticulously defined under various primary, secondary and tertiary categories of hate crime.
Latest cases recorded in the Hinduphobia Tracker
Support Our Work
Every story deserves to be told, every voice deserves to be heard, and every Hindu who falls to religious hate deserves to be remembered. Persecution of Hindus is often denied or forgotten because we fail to tell our stories, we fail to find the vocabulary to talk about our historical and ongoing genocide and often, we fail to tell the world that those calling themselves victims are actually the aggressors victimising Hindus. Our platform is dedicated to documenting religiously motivated hate crimes against Hindus, shedding light on stories often overlooked or forgotten. Hinduphobia Tracker aims to foster awareness, justice, and resilience in the face of adversity. Support us and become a part of the resistance.