Hindu woman lured into a relationship by a Muslim man pretending to be Hindu

Case Summary
In Nadiad, Gujarat, a married Hindu woman was lured into a relationship by a Muslim man named Raees Mahida who faked his identity to the woman. According to the victim, the accused had concealed his identity as belonging to another religion and lured the woman into a relationship. Both of them were also having sexual relations. After his real identity was known, he forced the woman to carry on having a sexual relationship with him. He repeatedly borrowed tens of lakhs of rupees from her on various pretexts. During this, he threw stones at the victim's house, abused and threatened to defame her. The victim filed a police complaint and the police went and arrested the accused.
Why it is Hate Crime ?
This case has been added to the tracker under the prime category of- Crimes against women in relationships and other sexual crimes. Within this, the sub-category selected is- Man pretends to be Hindu. Further, the tertiary category selected here is- Raped and/or murdered after Hindu woman finds out real identity. When a non-Hindu man pretends to be a Hindu to deceive a Hindu woman into a relationship, the act is seen as triggered by malafide intentions. In some cases, the woman eventually accepts the man’s original religious identity and converts after the man’s identity is revealed. These cases could be argued as cases of religious brainwashing and a result of the pressure a woman feels after getting into a relationship with a man. The woman, it can be argued, also changed her religious identity because of the stigma she believes she might face if she chooses to walk out of a deceptive relationship. However, for the purpose of documenting hate crimes, the cases in this subcategory are limited to those where there is explicit violence aimed at religious conversion against the wishes of the victim (force-feeding beef, blackmailing with intimate videos, rape on refusal to convert, etc), or if the woman herself complains of the man’s religious deception. In such cases, it is established that the deception of the non-Hindu man had a specific aim of religious conversion or targeting of the victim due to her Hindu religious identity, therefore, making it a religiously motivated hate crime. The religious motive of the crime is evident from the fact that the Muslim perpetrator hid his true identity to trap the Hindu victim. This itself is a clear manifestation of bias and malicious intent towards the victim's religion. By concealing his true identity, he exploited her trust, targeting her under false pretences. This indicates a premeditated intent to manipulate her based on her religious background. In cases like these, the tactic of adopting a false Hindu identity to manipulate and "ensnare" a Hindu individual is not just an act of personal betrayal but can also be interpreted as an expression of disdain or disregard for Hinduism and its customs that reflects a deeper animosity towards Hindus and their beliefs, and this is why this case has been added here.
Victim Details
Total Victim
- Male 0
- Female 1
- Third Gender 0
- Unknown 0
- SC/ST 0
- OBC 0
- General 0
- Unknown 1
Age Group
- Minor 0
- Adult 1
- Senior Citizen 0
- Unknown 0

Case Status

Perpetrators Details
Muslim Extremists
Perpetrators Range
One Person
Perpetrators Gender