Hindu girl raped and forced to convert by Muslim man, had pretended to have converted to Hinduism to lure the victim

Case ID : 5954bb6 | Location : Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India | Date of Incident : Fri, 10 January, 2025
Case ID : 5954bb6
location Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
date 10 January, 2025
Hindu girl raped and forced to convert by Muslim man, had pretended to have converted to Hinduism to lure the victim
Crimes against women in relationships and other sexual crimes
Torture of family to force woman to convert
Assault or threat upon refusal to convert
Man pretends to be Hindu

Case Summary

A Muslim man Asif raped a Hindu girl under false pretences and pressured her to convert to his religion. Based on the victim's complaint, police registered a case against Asif and eight members of his family, later arresting him. The victim stated that she met Asif, a resident of Imlakh village, four years ago. He proposed marriage, but she declined due to their religious differences. Asif then took her to Haridwar, claiming to have converted to Hinduism, and subsequently raped her. Despite her repeated requests for marriage, Asif procrastinated. When she became pregnant, he forced her to undergo an abortion. Now pregnant again, she reported that Asif refused to marry her and abused her when she informed him of the pregnancy on December 20. The victim also accused Asif's mother Rukhsana, uncle Qasim, brother Imran, Qasim's wife Sanno, brother-in-law Mohammad Umar, and Nasir of harassment. She stated they pressured her to convert to their religion and issued death threats when she resisted. Police registered the case under relevant charges and arrested Asif.

Why it is Hate Crime ?

This case has been added to the tracker under the prime category of- Crimes against women in relationships and other sexual crimes. Under this, the first sub-category selected is- Man pretends to be Hindu. When a non-Hindu man pretends to be a Hindu to deceive a Hindu woman into a relationship, the act is seen as triggered by malafide intentions. In some cases, the woman eventually accepts the man’s original religious identity and converts after the man’s identity is revealed. These cases could be argued as cases of religious brainwashing and a result of the pressure a woman feels after getting into a relationship with a man. The woman, it can be argued, also changed her religious identity because of the stigma she believes she might face if she chooses to walk out of a deceptive relationship. However, for the purpose of documenting hate crimes, the cases in this subcategory are limited to those where there is explicit violence aimed at religious conversion against the wishes of the victim (force-feeding beef, blackmailing with intimate videos, rape on refusal to convert, etc), or if the woman herself complains of the man’s religious deception. In such cases, it is established that the deception of the non-Hindu man had a specific aim of religious conversion or targeting of the victim due to her Hindu religious identity, therefore, making it a religiously motivated hate crime. The second sub-category relevant here is- Assault and threat upon refusal to convert. When Hindu women are in a relationship with non-Hindu men, there are cases where the woman faces threats or assault after she refuses to convert and change her religious identity owing to pressure/force by the non-Hindu man. Such relationships may be consensual with the religious identity of the non-Hindu man known to the victim. Somewhere along the relationship, the non-Hindu man starts pressurizing the Hindu woman to convert to Islam and upon her refusal, assaults or threatens the victim. Such cases are driven by specific religious motivations and against the religious identity of the victim and are therefore qualified as hate crimes. Cases where the Hindu woman converts to Islam and does not file a complaint about the force or threat, are not considered a part of the hate tracker, even though, it may be argued that the woman was brainwashed or threatened to convert to Islam. The third sub-category selected here is- Torture of family to force woman to convert. When Hindu women are in a relationship with non-Hindu men, there are cases where the woman is forced to convert her religion. Several methods are used for such forced conversion. The non-Hindu man is often documented to issue threats and even employ violence. One of the ways used by such perpetrators is threatening and/or torturing the family members of the Hindu woman to pressure her to convert. The perpetrators in such cases issue threats to harm or torture the family of the woman. In some cases, there is also violence directed towards the family to force the Hindu woman to convert. Such crimes aim to blackmail the victim into changing her religion by inducing fear of harm to her family. Such cases are driven by specific religious motivations and against the religious identity of the victim and are therefore qualified as hate crimes. Several religious markers in the incident identify it as a religiously motivated hate crime. The first is that the Muslim perpetrator Asif exploited the Hindu victim's trust by falsely claiming to have converted to Hinduism. This deceit, targeting her faith, underscores the religious dimension of his actions. Secondly, the victim was repeatedly pressured by Asif and his family to abandon her Hindu identity and convert to Islam. This coercion highlights an intentional effort to strip her of her religious identity, Asif’s family, including his mother, uncle, brother, and others, actively participated in harassing the victim. Their collective insistence on her conversion demonstrates that the targeting extended beyond Asif, reflecting a broader religious bias. Further, the victim was issued death threats when she refused to convert. This intimidation reveals the use of fear and violence as tools to undermine her religious freedom. The deliberate targeting of the victim’s Hindu identity, coercion for religious conversion, and use of violence and threats to achieve these aims confirm that this is a religiously motivated hate crime. It exemplifies predatory behaviour and systemic intimidation aimed at undermining an individual's religious freedom and dignity.

Victim Details

Total Victim





  • Male 0
  • Female 1
  • Third Gender 0
  • Unknown 0


  • SC/ST 0
  • OBC 0
  • General 0
  • Unknown 1

Age Group

  • Minor 0
  • Adult 1
  • Senior Citizen 0
  • Unknown 0
Case Status Background
Gavel Icon

Case Status


Case Status Background
Gavel Icon

Perpetrators Details


Muslim Extremists

Perpetrators Range

From 5 to 10

Perpetrators Gender


Case Details SVG
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